Monday, January 15, 2007

Pastor Does Some ¨Real¨ Work

Steve with his 2.5 inch plastic trowel
posted by steve
Monday, Jan 15, 5:30pm

Well, I knew I´d miss my wife, but I didn´t know I´d miss Iain Armstrong...

Today we went to La Casa de la Amistad, the children´s ministry, rolled up our sleeves and went to work. It felt good, really good, to get my hands dirty.

The schools here are on a break, so it is the time for work to get done on the facility. Much, much needed work. We attacked two classrooms, removed all the pictures which had been taped (with packing tape...) to the plaster walls, and started to sand and sand and sand, and then I did some mudding. I am incredibly proud of my team - they worked incredibly hard!

Iain, you´ll be glad to know that I can now skim coat with a 2.5¨, curved, plastic, putty knife. Line me up a job, I´ll be home soon.

We made good progress, and we´ll be back tomorrow. We´ll send some before and after pictures, and you´ll get to see.

Hopefully, the resolution won´t be good enough that you´ll get a close look at my handiwork.

And by the time we are done, I hope the Bolivians don´t say, ¨well, those Canadians were good singers, but don´t let them near a paint roller...¨

(and by the way, we are really enjoying the comments posted on the blog site!)

oh, and thanks Dan for the headline. You turkey.


heather.c said...

I'm so honored to be a prayer partner with you Norma and for the rest of the team as well. Its interesting seeing your posts and how they mesh with the unusual things (or so I thought)that the spirit prompts me to pray for you. I'll keep journaling and post anything that I think might need your response. Steve, there is one picture I received in prayer that makes me think it represents you and your role in brainstorming with the seminary staff(?); you are out on a limb (literally)reaching toward something. The tree is very old and weathered(almost like driftwood.)The team is watching, but Norma is the only one who appears worried. I'll keep praying. Remember to put on your armor Norma!
Love, Heather

LHBC Bolivia Team said...

Steve, you now are qualied to do drywalling!

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